Saturday, August 30, 2008

Signing on to the Pickens Plan

I am a proponent of alternative, renewable energy and find a lot to like in the Picken’s Plan.

Having said that I think that it may be a tough row to hoe. We, as American citizens have watched for decades while we became more and more dependent on foreign oil to where it is now approaching 75% of our consumption.

Our leaders in congress or in the White House seem to care little about the country or its citizens, focusing all their energy on getting elected or reelected rather than dealing with issues affecting our future. Where are the incentives to promote alternatives? They pretty much died when Carter left office with little since then. The lip service we currently receive from government is mostly just that- Lip service. Our leadership is of the “make ‘em happy right now- To heck with future generations.” attitude.

Without people like Pickens giving some thoughtful direction and Congress doing something about it this energy crisis will be ignored and forgotten when prices drop a little.

The convenience store where I buy most of my gasoline is run by a family of Pakistani. I asked Kahlil one day about gasoline prices in Pakistan. He replied that gasoline was only used in rural areas. In urban sections everyone uses compressed or liquid natural gas instead of gasoline.He said that it is very expensive to use gasoline in autos and trucks and is avoided whenever possible. LNG is fairly available and causes little pollution.
Do you think they may have something there? Why didn't we think of that?

I find it pretty interesting that an oil baron is talking alternative energy- He's got my attention! Pickens also pointed out that Iran, as a country was doing everything they could to convert all ground transportation to LNG so that they could continue to sell us oil to produce gasoline at $4.00 per gallon rather than burn it in their own vehicles!

Look up pickensplan on the internet search engine of choice- You won't be disappointed.