Saturday, March 24, 2007

Do ya know what I hate?

Ever since I first heard Andy Rooney voice those famous words maybe 45 years ago I found many applications for their use. Actually, I don't really hate a lot. I can think of only a few people that meet that level, like Osama Bin Laden who happens to be right at the top of the list and some truly evil people that I have been exposed to, but in total no more than four have made my personal 'hate list.' I really feel that hate is counter-productive and proven to be life shortening.

At this moment I find myself getting older by the minute (no future in doing otherwise- he says) and accept that the future years of my life will be much less than the sum of those past; Less hate more bright outlook.

I sit at the keyboard on a cold, wet March day in the hills near Albany, NY. I am more aware of the cold and wet than before, since my January 9th total knee replacement surgery wants to give me a little nudge now and again to let me know it's still there to keep me company. I've named it Igor. The nasty thing will pick any time at all day or night to say "Hi, John- Remember me?"

I've found that 4:00am is probably the worst time. Once Igor has woken me up I rarely get back to sleep. A couple more Tylenol sometimes work.


I really don't regret having the surgery performed- Not yet, that is. Everyone tells me that I have to give it time to mend. I don't care. I want it to stop bothering me now! I mean, I do my exercises and don't abuse the thing- Why this constant ache?

Every cloud has a silver lining, they say- OK, I no longer need an alarm clock. I get the guy at airport security all excited. My handicapped auto tag allows me to park anywhere in the mall. I have no trouble looking so miserable that I can get sympathy from a rock!

Ok, I know intuitively that this too shall pass- I don't care- I still hate it!